walmart hidden clearance

Walmart Hidden Clearance – How To Find These Secret Deals


If you visit Walmart often, chances are you’ve seen their big yellow clearance signs denoting price reductions. Some Walmart stores even have whole aisles dedicated to clearance items. But if you’ve shopped those clearance aisles, you’ll know the discounts aren’t that great and are rarely worth your time even looking. But did you know that there are Walmart hidden clearance items that are unmarked throughout the store selling for mere pennies?

What is hidden clearance at Walmart?

Walmart’s hidden clearance is just that. These clearance items are “hidden” among all of the regular items and not marked as clearance whatsoever. Lately, Walmart has been reducing hundreds of items to 3 cents! Some of these unmarked clearance items even retail regularly for over $100! Keep reading, and we will tell you exactly how to find these secret clearance items in your local store.

Walmart 3¢ items
All of these items were only 3¢ each at Walmart!

How do I find hidden clearance at Walmart?

We have created a database of hundreds of Walmart hidden clearance items. But before you head to your local Walmart with a list in hand of what to look for, you need to know first how to verify hidden clearance prices.

How do I find hidden clearance on Walmart App?

There is a trick to finding these items though as the regular Walmart app will not show the hidden clearance price when you scan the UPCs of the items to do a price check. It appears that once Walmart came out with their Walmart Plus app, the prices on the regular app don’t update to show clearance prices. Some think this is a ploy to get people to sign up for the Walmart Plus program which was created to compete with Amazon Prime which it very well could be. But there is a 30-day free trial for Walmart Plus, so if you do decide that hunting for Walmart clearance items isn’t for you, you can cancel before your credit card gets charged.

Walmart Plus App

To use the Walmart Plus app to check prices, select “Services”, then “Scan & go“. You would think “Check a price” would work, but in this case, it does not. When you scan your items, it will add those items to your cart which might alarm you, but that’s okay. I don’t recommend actually using Scan to go to checkout and pay, as you still have to go to a register, and they don’t have all the wrinkles ironed yet so it’s likely you’ll have to wait on a cashier to help you. Instead, delete your online cart and do self-checkout, which may be your only option now at your local store.

Brickseek App

Brickseek also has an app, and it’s free to download and use! The only problem with this app is that it is not always accurate or up-to-date, but it saves you not having to buy an app. I’ve noticed that their prices are pretty spot on with the stores, but their store inventory levels are usually off (more on this later).

To use the Brickseek app to scan the Walmart hidden clearance item UPCs, open the app, and click “Search > Inventory Checkers > Walmart > Barcode Scanner > Check Inventory.

How do I get hidden clearance items from Walmart?

Okay, so now that we’ve established how to scan and identify hidden clearance items, one way to actually find the hidden clearance items is to randomly check items. That is what some people actually do, but it can be very, very time-consuming to just scan item after item after item. And boring if you ask me.

Always check the cardboard displays at the end of the aisles in the health and beauty departments, as they have been a huge source of 3¢ items lately. Also, if the item is out of season, there is also a big chance that it is on clearance as well.

Luckily there are several Facebook groups out there of people sharing their Walmart hidden clearance finds. They have nothing to lose by sharing as they already found the deal in their local area. And they like to show off their finds and help others. But it’s also time-consuming to scroll through all of the posts.

Therefore, I created a database of all of the Walmart hidden clearance items found with the product name, the clearance price, the UPC or SKU number, and the Brickseek link. You can search for specific items or sort by name or price. If the item interests you, you can click on the Brickseek link to see if your local store has reduced that price (not all Walmart stores reduce their prices at the same time).

Brickseek will also tell you how many of those secret clearance items are in stock at your local Walmart stores. If the app says there is a certain amount available but you can’t find them in your store, there are two reasons why this could happen:

  1. The app may not update in real-time and someone else beat you to the punch (or they are still in the store and haven’t checked out yet). Or…
  2. The items are still sitting in the back of the store (or even in an unopened shipping container outside) and haven’t been out yet.

I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job. Because he will find an easy way to do it.

Bill Gates once said, “I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job. Because he will find an easy way to do it.”  Now I don’t consider myself a lazy person, but I do get bored very easily (could be ADD as well), therefore I not only wanted to make this process of finding Walmart hidden clearance items easy for myself but for everyone else, thus the database made.

Clearance tips

Just because you see someone else got a deal for a specific price, I still recommend scanning your items to double-check before actually going to the cash register as you don’t want to have to wait until a cashier is available to void an item off our order. And you certainly don’t want to have to return the item if you wait until you get home to notice the price discrepancy.

Never ask employees

I do not recommend asking employees where to find the hidden clearance items. They will likely tell you that all clearance items are clearly marked. And if they scan the item and see it is selling for only pennies, they will probably tell you there is an error, and the item can’t be sold. Chances are if the employee finds one of the hidden clearance items, they will buy it for themselves!

Why does Walmart have hidden clearance?

I cannot confirm or deny any of the following rumors or conspiracy theories about the low, low prices of the Walmart hidden clearance deals, but they all sound reasonable to me.

1. Inventory Overload

ABC reported that Target, Walmart, and Best Buy are starting to offer mark-down prices on several items due to an inventory overload. They all need to make space for some new items.

2. Walmart Stores Downsizing

Walmart has been laying off employees as they continue to streamline its operations and focus more on e-commerce. With more people ordering online and fewer going to shop inside the stores, fewer products will be needed to be available on the shelves.

3. Walmart 3¢ items vs Dollar General 1¢ items

There is also a rumor that Walmart’s hidden clearance items are similar to Dollar General’s penny items. These items are to be removed from the shelves by managers and no longer be available for sale. Where do the items go then? Walmart liquidation stores.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Walmart’s hidden clearance.

Does Walmart have hidden clearance?

Yes! I personally have gotten hundreds of hidden clearance items for pennies on the dollar; you just need to know how to find the items as they are unmarked.

How do I find my hidden clearance from Walmart?

Click open the Walmart App > Services > Scan & go

How do you get a hidden clearance from Walmart?

How do I get hidden clearance items from Walmart?

How often does Walmart markdown clearance?

Employees used to say that most clearance markdowns occur within the first five days of the month. But with the hidden clearance deals, the prices can drop at any time on any day. Some deal hunters have reported seeing price changes at 4 pm and 8 pm, mostly occurring during the weekdays.

Occasional clearance items go on sale the day after the holiday takes place, i.e. the day after Christmas, the day after Thanksgiving, the day after Halloween, the day after Easter, the day after Valentine’s Day, etc. Seasonal clearance items go on sale when the new season starts (i.e. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter).

What day does Walmart drop clearance prices?

The best day to find Walmart deals is on a Monday or Tuesday morning, but they drop any weekday. The prices rarely drop on weekends unless it’s an after-Holiday clearance event.

Is Walmart hidden clearance real?

Yes! I personally have gotten hundreds of items for pennies on the dollar!

Does Walmart have secret clearance?

Yes, “secret clearance” is another term for “hidden clearance”.

How do you get secret clearance from Walmart?

You can get Walmart secret clearance the same way you get hidden clearance. Scroll up to see how to find these deals and how to scan for the correct prices.

How does Walmart secret clearance work?

Secret clearance works the same way that hidden clearance works. Scroll up to see how secret clearance works.

How do I scan a Walmart secret clearance?

You need to scan Walmart secret clearance items with the Brickseek app for the Walmart Plus app to check for the correct price or take the items to a checkout register. The regular Walmart app will not show accurate discounted prices.

How do I find my Walmart hidden clearance online?

The Walmart website is not accurate. Check out our database of hidden Walmart clearance items to find items in your local Walmart store.

How do I get my Walmart unmarked clearance?

Follow our tips and tricks above to take advantage of the hidden clearance low, low prices.

What do people do with all the hidden clearance items?

Chances are if you find an item selling for only 3 cents, you’re going to buy all of them because at that price it’s practically free. Customers in Facebook groups post photos of getting carts full of hidden clearance items. And people always ask what they plan to do with all that stuff. Because let’s face it, one only needs so much eyeshadow to last a lifetime.

The answers from the shoppers vary from donating to shelters to giving as gifts. But I know from experience that several of them are resellers, meaning they resell the items at a profit. And there’s no shame in that.


So, the next time you are in Walmart, be sure to keep an eye out for these Walmart hidden clearance items. With a little bit of effort, you can find some great deals! And, who knows, you may even find an item or two that you were not even looking for! Happy hunting!

Kim Rowley Lohrberg
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Walmart Hidden Clearance – How To Find These Secret Deals