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The 16 Personality Types: Which Types Tend to Be the Wealthiest?


The 16 personality types, based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), offer a window into how people perceive the world and make decisions. Each of the 16 types has its strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies when it comes to wealth accumulation. But is there a personality type that tends to be wealthier?

The 16 Personality Types

Let’s break down each personality type and highlight some millionaires or billionaires associated with certain types.

1. INTJ (The Architect)

INTJs are strategic thinkers, driven by logic and efficiency. They are goal-oriented and excel at long-term planning, which makes them well-suited to entrepreneurship and high-level executive roles. Their analytical mindset often leads them to make sound financial decisions.

  • Famous INTJ: Elon Musk (CEO of SpaceX, Tesla)
    Musk is known for his visionary thinking and ability to strategize for the future. As one of the wealthiest people in the world, Musk’s personality aligns with the INTJ’s propensity for innovation and calculated risk-taking.

2. ENTJ (The Commander)

ENTJs are natural-born leaders, driven by their need for organization and efficiency. They thrive in competitive environments, which often pushes them into leadership roles where they can accumulate wealth through decisive actions.

  • Famous ENTJ: Jeff Bezos (Founder of Amazon)
    As an ENTJ, Bezos exemplifies the decisive, leadership-focused traits of this type. His ability to build Amazon from an online bookstore to a global e-commerce and technology giant highlights ENTJs’ skill at recognizing and seizing opportunities.

3. ISTJ (The Logistician)

ISTJs are practical, reliable, and detail-oriented. They excel in fields that require structure and precision, such as finance or law. While they may not take as many risks as some other types, their focus on stability can lead to long-term wealth accumulation.

  • Famous ISTJ: Warren Buffett (CEO of Berkshire Hathaway)
    Buffett’s methodical approach to investing and his emphasis on value and long-term returns align with the ISTJ personality. His cautious yet calculated strategy has made him one of the richest individuals in history.

4. ESTJ (The Executive)

ESTJs are efficient managers, excellent at organizing people and resources. They thrive in environments that value order and predictability, making them successful in business management and corporate settings.

  • Famous ESTJ: John D. Rockefeller (Founder of Standard Oil)
    Rockefeller’s disciplined and structured approach to building his oil empire reflects the strengths of the ESTJ personality. His ability to efficiently manage resources and grow his wealth made him one of the wealthiest figures in history.

5. INTP (The Logician)

INTPs are highly analytical and enjoy exploring theories and ideas. They may not focus on wealth, but when their intellectual pursuits align with market needs, they can create wealth through innovation.

  • Famous INTP: Bill Gates (Co-founder of Microsoft)
    Gates’ intellectual curiosity and innovative thinking helped him build Microsoft into a tech giant. INTPs like Gates excel when they turn their ideas into practical solutions, leading to significant financial success.

6. ENTP (The Debater)

ENTPs are entrepreneurial and quick-thinking. They enjoy intellectual challenges and often seek out opportunities to innovate. Their ability to think on their feet and take calculated risks can lead to significant wealth.

  • Famous ENTP: Mark Cuban (Entrepreneur, Investor, Owner of Dallas Mavericks)
    Cuban’s success as an investor and entrepreneur showcases the risk-taking and innovative nature of the ENTP personality. His ability to spot trends and challenge the status quo has made him a billionaire.

7. ISFJ (The Defender)

ISFJs are nurturing and protective, often prioritizing the well-being of others. While they may not pursue wealth as aggressively as other types, their focus on stability can lead to steady financial growth.

  • Famous ISFJ: Queen Elizabeth II
    Though not an entrepreneur in the traditional sense, Queen Elizabeth II’s careful stewardship of her personal and royal assets reflects the ISFJ’s focus on maintaining stability and tradition.

8. ESFJ (The Consul)

ESFJs are highly attuned to the needs of others and excel in social situations. They often thrive in careers that involve people, such as sales, human resources, or customer service, where they can build financial success through relationships.

  • Famous ESFJ: Sam Walton (Founder of Walmart)
    Walton’s focus on providing for others through low-cost retail reflects the people-oriented nature of ESFJs. His emphasis on building a business that served the community led to massive wealth accumulation.

9. ISTP (The Virtuoso)

ISTPs are resourceful and hands-on, excelling in fields that require technical skills and problem-solving. They may not chase wealth, but their ability to innovate in practical ways can lead to financial success.

  • Famous ISTP: Steve Jobs (Co-founder of Apple)
    Jobs’ ability to blend creativity with technical expertise helped revolutionize the tech industry, making Apple one of the most valuable companies in the world. His hands-on approach and innovation align with ISTP traits.

10. ESTP (The Entrepreneur)

ESTPs are energetic, adaptable, and action-oriented. They thrive in fast-paced environments and are often drawn to entrepreneurship. Their ability to take risks and capitalize on opportunities can lead to wealth accumulation.

  • Famous ESTP: Richard Branson (Founder of Virgin Group)
    Branson’s adventurous and risk-taking nature is classic ESTP. His entrepreneurial ventures in diverse industries have made him a billionaire, reflecting the ESTP’s love for excitement and innovation.

11. INFP (The Mediator)

INFPs are idealistic and creative, often driven by a sense of purpose rather than wealth. However, when they can align their values with profitable ventures, they can find financial success through passion-driven careers.

  • Famous INFP: J.K. Rowling (Author of the Harry Potter series)
    Rowling’s creative writing has made her one of the wealthiest authors in the world, showing how an INFP’s passion for storytelling can lead to significant financial rewards.

12. ENFP (The Campaigner)

ENFPs are creative and enthusiastic, often driven by big ideas and possibilities. Their ability to inspire others and think outside the box can lead them to success in fields like entrepreneurship, entertainment, or media.

  • Famous ENFP: Will Smith (Actor, Producer, Entrepreneur)
    Smith’s career success across multiple fields, including acting, music, and business, highlights the ENFP’s versatility and drive to pursue various passions, which can lead to wealth.

13. ISFP (The Adventurer)

ISFPs are artistic and free-spirited, often choosing creative paths over financial security. While wealth may not be their primary goal, they can find financial success when their creative work gains popularity.

  • Famous ISFP: David Bowie (Musician, Artist)
    Bowie’s career as an influential musician and artist reflects the ISFP’s creative and unconventional approach to life. His artistry led to significant wealth and a lasting legacy.

14. ESFP (The Entertainer)

ESFPs are spontaneous, energetic, and live for the moment. They thrive in performance-based careers like acting or music, where their charisma and zest for life can lead to wealth.

  • Famous ESFP: Jamie Foxx (Actor, Musician)
    Foxx’s success in entertainment showcases the ESFP’s love for the spotlight and their ability to turn their charisma into financial rewards.

15. INFJ (The Advocate)

INFJs are insightful and compassionate, often motivated by a desire to help others. While wealth may not be their primary focus, they can accumulate wealth through careers that align with their values.

  • Famous INFJ: Oprah Winfrey (Media Mogul, Philanthropist)
    Winfrey’s empathy-driven leadership and desire to inspire others align with the INFJ’s values. Her success as a media mogul and philanthropist has made her one of the wealthiest women in the world.

16. ENFJ (The Protagonist)

ENFJs are charismatic and altruistic, often excelling in leadership roles. They inspire others to work toward a common goal, which can lead them to financial success in fields that require people management and visionary thinking.

  • Famous ENFJ: Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook)
    Sandberg’s leadership and ability to motivate others reflect the ENFJ’s natural talent for inspiring action. Her role at Facebook has contributed to her significant financial success.

Which Personality Type Is the Wealthiest?

While wealth can be found across all personality types, ENTJs and INTJs tend to have the highest potential for wealth accumulation. These types are strategic, goal-oriented, and decisive—qualities that lend themselves to successful entrepreneurship and leadership in corporate environments. Their ability to set long-term goals and make tough decisions often leads to significant financial rewards.

Ultimately, while certain personality traits may align with wealth-building tendencies, success is determined by a combination of factors, including ambition, innovation, risk tolerance, and a bit of luck!

Find out your personality type at 16personalities.com (it’s free; no registration required). 

The 16 Personality Types

Darby Jones
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