Manage Money

Going over the files and data you need for managing investments and savings independently.

DIY Personal Finance: Managing Investments and Savings Independently

When there’s a serious lack of trust in ‘experts’ and ‘managers’, managing investments and savings independently can be tempting. Embracing the responsibility of steering your financial ship offers a unique sense of empowerment and control. However, if you want to achieve this safely, you need to know how to approach the job right! Understanding your

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Girl Math Trend

The Girl Math Trend: Overspending and Debt Justification

TikTok has become more than just a platform for sharing dance challenges and viral memes; it has also become a powerful influencer in shaping cultural trends, particularly among young people. One concerning trend that has emerged on TikTok in recent times is the so-called “Girl Math.” This trend involves young women attempting to justify large

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6 Tips for Managing Money While Traveling

6 Tips for Managing Money While Traveling

Preparing to travel is exciting, whether you’re backpacking through Europe, visiting the Australian Outback, or heading out on a mountainous adventure. Regardless of the experience, you’re going to need money to fund your trip, and you’ll have to manage it carefully. Navigating international borders can be expensive when it comes to money, which is why

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