5 Fun Easy Ways To Save/Make Money Doing What You Love


These five simple tips on how to save money, make money doing what you love, or just break even can help keep a budget on track. Some money-saving ideas are just plain tedious. Why not try something new the whole family can participate in, something more long-lasting than say, the annual yard sale?

These five tips are easy to set in motion. A swap and shop party is a fun way to get rid of unused items and replace them with new or like-new items. That is just the beginning!

1. Save Money With a Swap Party

Swap parties are a fun way for teens, parents, and kids of all ages to reap the benefits of trading with friends. A swap party is fun no matter how it rolls.

For the hostess, all that’s required is a room in the house where items can be displayed and a counter in the kitchen to place all the shared appetizers and desserts. Here’s a list of the easiest dessert recipes to make, so you don’t even have to spend a lot of time preparing. 

A swap party is simple to host and absolutely fun to attend. Everyone feels like they’ve just gone on a shopping spree (but for FREE) and finished it off with a delicious meal.

2. Save Money by Planting Veggies, Fruits, Herbs

Even without a garden, planting small veggies or fruits in containers can save money all summer long. Plant basil which a favorite herb that is used in tomato sauces and fresh salads. Basil can be used to make pesto sauce, and oh so easily!

Save Money by Planting Veggies, Fruits, Herbs

Plant tomatoes, strawberries, rosemary, peppers, and cucumbers. It will bring a feeling of self-sustenance to take an herb, veggie, or fruit from the garden to the table to be part of a family meal. One single blueberry bush can be enough for a family of four to reap the benefits all summer long!

3. Save Money by Composting

Composting is a natural step in the order of recycling. By taking refuse such as spoiled or wilting lettuce, vegetable peels, used coffee grounds and teabags, twigs, and grass clippings, you can create a rich, organic soil to use in planting your own veggies and herbs.

Save Money by Composting

It takes a bit of conscious effort to remember to compost but the effort is rewarded with rich, black soil full of nutrients. Instead of asking, “Why should I compost?” perhaps the question should be, “Why shouldn’t I compost?”

4. Sell Stock Photos Online

There are a variety of companies online that host digital photos, paying small residual amounts that can add up over time for those who love photography. For those who carry their camera everywhere, this is a great way to earn extra money doing what they love.

For tips on how to get started selling digital photos, read how to earn commissions selling stock photos.

5. Earn Money Selling Used or New Books, Textbooks, CDs

Finding a site that’s free of charge, easy to navigate, and filled with buyers and sellers can be frustrating. Learn how to sell used or new novels, textbooks, and CDs on Shopping Bookmarks. This site has been around for more than a dozen years and is a valuable tool for saving and making money and resellers.

Learn how to sell books online and make money from books and CDs that are not being used while creating more space in closets and shelves at home.

It can be a challenge to save money, make money doing what you love, or just break even. With a few extra ideas and tips, families can stay within their budgets, creating new ways to earn money that can be turned into savings!

5 Fun Easy Ways To Save/Make Money Doing What You Love

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