Young man on the sofa playing online poker

How to Make Good Money Playing Online Poker


Poker, once relegated to smoky back rooms and the glitzy casinos of Las Vegas, has undergone a transformative journey into the digital age. With the advent of online poker platforms, players from all over the world can now indulge in their passion from the comfort of their homes.

According to Global Brands Magazine, there are over a hundred million online poker players worldwide. Among them, 60 million reside in the US alone. 

For some, online poker has become a legitimate source of income. However, the road to making money through online poker isn’t paved with gold. It requires skill, strategy, discipline, and a good dose of patience. 

In this article, we will discuss a few valuable tips to help you increase your chances of making money playing online poker.

Make Sure It’s Legal

Online poker might not be legal where you’re currently living. These laws vary from state to state and from time to time. In fact, poker itself was set to become illegal in Massachusetts back in 2007. Then, with the help of a Boston lobbying firm, the Poker Players Alliance was able to do something about it. This top lobbying firm in Boston, MA, did what was necessary to keep the game going in the state. 

Corry Associates explains that the best lobbying firms do what is necessary to pass new laws. At the same time, they make sure the client’s interests are protected through strategic collaboration with the Legislature.

Thus, if online poker or gambling is illegal in your area, you can consider getting a lobbying firm to help you out. Whatever you do, don’t get into the game unless it’s fully legal in your state. 

Master the Basics

Before you start envisioning yourself as a poker champion, you need to build a solid foundation in poker fundamentals. According to Poker Fortress, it takes between two to six months to learn poker if you want to win games and earn money. Understanding the rules, hand rankings, and different poker variants is essential. 

Begin by playing free or low-stakes games to practice and gain confidence. Learning the basics of poker strategy, such as position, pot odds, and starting hand selection, is crucial to your success.

There are multiple variants of poker, so start by mastering any one. Texas Hold’em and Seven Card Stud are popular options in this regard. As you become proficient in one game, you can eventually develop a deeper understanding of its nuances. 

Develop a Solid Strategy

Successful poker players don’t rely solely on luck. They always have well-planned strategies to help them win. You need to develop a similar poker strategy. 

Start by learning the concept of table position and how it might impact your decision-making. Being in a late position lets you see what other players do before you make your move. This, too, gives you a strategic advantage.

Learn how to read your opponents. Pay attention to their betting patterns, tendencies, and body language if you’re playing live poker. Online, you can observe their playing style over time, noting whether they are aggressive, tight, loose, or passive.

Additionally, adapt your strategy based on the type of game you’re playing. In cash games, focus on making consistent profits, while in tournaments, you often need to take more risks to accumulate chips and advance.

Practice Patience

Poker is a game of patience, and impatience can be your undoing. Don’t get lured into making reckless bets or chasing unlikely draws. Good hands and profitable opportunities will come, but they might not be as frequent as you’d like.

Resist the urge to play every hand, especially if they’re weak. Knowing when to fold and when to be is crucial. Wait for strong starting hands and capitalize on them when the time is right. Unless you’re patient about these things, you’ll have to watch the game slip out of your hands. 

Study and Continuously Improve

Poker is a dynamic game that evolves over time. To stay ahead of the competition, it’s essential to study and improve your skills continually. There are numerous resources available to help you become a better player, including books, online courses, forums, and hand analysis tools.

Review your own gameplay regularly, identifying mistakes and areas where you can improve. Additionally, consider joining a poker community or finding a mentor who can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Furthermore, keep up with the latest trends and strategies in the poker world. The game is constantly changing, and staying informed will give you an edge over opponents who are stuck in outdated playing styles.

Manage Your Emotions

According to the Wall Street Journal, every year, people across the US lose billions in gambling. The same can happen in poker games, especially if you’re too emotional going into them.

To manage your emotions, practice mindfulness and self-awareness. Recognize when you’re feeling frustrated or upset, and take a break if necessary. Avoid chasing losses by playing recklessly, as this can quickly deplete your bankroll. Instead, stay composed, focus on your strategy, and make rational decisions.


Online poker is not the best money-making game in the world. In fact, there’s always a chance that you’ll end up losing more money than winning. However, if you stick to the above tips, there’s still a chance for you to make it big in this game. 

It’ll take time to understand how online poker works and how to make the most out of your games. Yet, if you know what you’re getting yourself into and keep these tips in mind, making money from online poker shouldn’t be too difficult.

Featured Image Credit: Deposit Photos

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