virtual assistant

How To Make Money as a VA Virtual Assistant


If you have experience performing administrative tasks or providing customer service, then you may be wondering how to make money as a virtual assistant. The answer is simple: by offering your services to businesses and individuals who need assistance with tasks that they don’t have time for or simply don’t want to do.

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant (or VA for short) is an independent contractor who provides administrative, creative, and/or technical services to clients remotely from a home office. Virtual assistants are not employees; they work for themselves.

Many VAs are former administrative assistants or executive secretaries who have decided to telecommute in order to earn a higher income, gain more control over their work/life balance, or pursue other dreams and goals. Others are stay-at-home moms or dads who want to supplement the family income without sacrificing time with their children. And still, others are entrepreneurs who have discovered that hiring a VA is a cost-effective way to get help with the many tasks involved in running a business.

Whatever their backgrounds, all virtual assistants share one thing in common: they are extremely talented and skilled at what they do. They are alsod passionate about providing quality service to their clients.

What Does a VA Do?

The answer to this question is: just about anything! The types of tasks that virtual assistants perform for their clients vary widely, depending on the virtual assistant’s skill set and the needs of the client.

Some VAs specialize in providing administrative support, such as managing calendars, scheduling appointments, handling correspondence, making travel arrangements, running payroll, and preparing reports. Others have more creative or technical skills and focus on tasks such as designing flyers and brochures, creating PowerPoint presentations, transcribing audio files, or managing social media accounts. Still, others provide a combination of both administrative and creative/technical services.

No matter what their specialty, all virtual assistants strive to make their clients’ lives easier by taking care of the tasks that they don’t have time for or simply don’t want to do.

How Much Do Virtual Assistants Charge?

VAs typically charge by the hour, with rates ranging from $25 to $75 per hour, depending on the VA’s experience, skillset, and the complexity of the tasks being performed. Some virtual assistants also offer monthly or project-based packages for their clients.

Many VAs are willing to negotiate their rates, so if you’re working with a virtual assistant who you feel is charging too much, don’t be afraid to ask for a lower rate.

How Do Virtual Assistants Get Paid?

Virtual assistants are usually paid by the hour, but some may also offer monthly or project-based packages. The most common method of payment is via PayPal, but other methods include direct deposit, check, Venmo, or wire transfer.

Some VAs require their clients to pay a retainer fee up front, which is typically used to cover the virtual assistant’s costs associated with the project (such as materials or software). Once the project is completed, any unused funds are returned to the client.

What Are the Benefits of Being a VA?

There are many benefits to being a virtual assistant, including the following:

  • You can work from home (or anywhere else with an internet connection).
  • You have the freedom to choose your own clients and projects.
  • You can set your own hours and take time off whenever you want.
  • You can charge hourly rates that reflect your experience and skillset.
  • You don’t have to worry about office politics or commuting.

What Are the Disadvantages of Being a VA?

Of course, there are also some disadvantages to being a virtual assistant, such as the following:

  • You may have periods of downtime between projects.
  • You are responsible for finding your own clients.
  • You may have to work odd hours to accommodate your clients’ schedules.
  • You may have to invest in your own equipment and software.

Despite the disadvantages, many people find that the benefits of being a VA far outweigh the drawbacks. If you’re considering becoming a virtual assistant, be sure to do your research and make sure it’s the right fit for you.

Tips To Started As A Virtual Assistant

There are a lot of ways to make money as a virtual assistant. You can offer your services to businesses, entrepreneurs, and even other virtual assistants. Here are some tips on how to get started:

  1. Start by creating a list of services you can offer. This could include social media management, customer service, data entry, or even virtual event planning. Be sure to list any special skills or experience you have that could be valuable to clients.
  2. Next, create an online portfolio or website that showcases your work and lists your rates. Be sure to include testimonials from happy clients if you have them.
  3. Finally, start marketing yourself! Use social media, networking events, and online job boards to find clients. You can even offer discounts or free trials to attract new business.

Courses To Be A VA

Still not sure if you totally understand what it takes and involves to be a VA? Here is a list of online courses you take to be a virtual assistant.

The VA Handbook

Joanne Munro said goodbye to the corporate world in 2009 to do her own thing and shares how to help others do the same on

Udemy VA Courses

Udemy offers several virtual assistance courses ranging from $19.99 to $99.99. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including how to start your VA business, find clients, and perform common virtual assistant tasks.

Upwork Readiness Test

The Upwork Readiness Test is a FREE course that takes about an hour to complete. It’s offered by Upwork, one of the most popular platforms for finding virtual assistant work. The course will teach you the basics of being a virtual assistant and using the Upwork platform.

These are just a few of the many courses available to help you get started as a virtual assistant. With a little time and effort, you can easily learn the skills you need to be successful in this growing industry.


Virtual assistants are in high demand these days, as more and more businesses are looking for ways to cut costs and increase efficiency. If you’re considering becoming a VA, now is the perfect time to get started. With a little hard work and some good marketing, you can build a successful virtual assistant business that will provide you with a steady stream of clients and an income you can be proud of.

How To Make Money as a VA Virtual Assistant

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